The Oy science
A Belgian brand with such an innovative product. We can be proud of that' dixit Belgian Beauty Award 2019.
We develop care products that offer a solution for everyday problems that affect self-confidence, such as sweat odor, acne and skin aging. The innovative Oy products are created in our Belgian lab according to the standards of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacist and business manager Inge is very keen on the right ingredients and the correct dosage to obtain an optimal result. The result: a series of beautiful, top-quality lifestyle products that belong in everyone's bathroom.
“We consciously opt for the combination of natural and high-quality raw materials together with sophisticated active ingredients. Nature meets high-tech, so to speak. And above all, Oy tackles the underlying causes and that ensures an efficient, sustainable and healthy product range."
As a product developer, Inge has developed expertise in the latest techniques to keep the skin flora and skin barrier healthy. After all, the cause of both acne and sweat odor is the same: a disturbed skin flora due to the overgrowth of certain bacteria. Oy's products are fully formulated and formulated in our own lab by our pharmacist. The final formulas go through all the necessary clinical tests and are patented. Unique in Belgium! What Inge finds very important is scientific knowledge about:
- The skin microbiome and the skin barrier
- The correct dose of active substances with the right antibacterial and antifungal effect.
- Anhydrous and foam-free products that do not wash away the lipid layer
- Local raw materials
Timesavers: one skincare product with multiple functions. In combination with water, a gel becomes a delicious cleansing milk. After rinsing it works even more as a moisturizing cream. This makes Oy products premium skincare products that, thanks to numerous dermatological tests, are classified as dermatocosmetics.
Oy's strengths
How does sweat odor and acne arise?
The cause of both sweat odor and acne is the change in our microbiome. With hormonal changes or stress and exercise, certain bacteria thrive and overgrow. They take up all the space and are responsible for body odor as well as acne and other skin problems. There is no more room for your skin's own microbiome, no diversity. By removing this overgrowth, space is again freed up to build up a diverse skin flora.
How does acne arise? There are three main causes:
- Too much sebum or sebum due to hormonal changes (androgens and testosterone)
- Clogging of the pores due to an accumulation of dead skin cells, pollution or make-up
- Bacteria that feed on sebum and grow in an anaerobic environment (without oxygen)
Oy Face Wash Acne Prone Skin works on these 3 levels!
Our dermatologist research shows that our triple action formula removes 96% of whiteheads or closed comedones. This is thanks to the blend of active ingredients in the lipid-loving and anhydrous cleanser. Instead of stripping the skin, we strengthen the lipid barrier and restore cell structure.
A regular water-based foam cleaner washes away the lipid layer. The skin reacts to this by producing more sebum, which makes the acne worse. On this scientific basis, Oy resolutely opts for 'gel to milk' without water and without foam.
How does the skin flora arise? (This applies to all Oy products)
Immediately after birth, the microorganisms develop to protect the skin. The development and growth of these microbes are very important for the baby's immune system. These bacteria live in harmony on the skin as so-called resident microbes. They form our protective skin barrier and contribute to a balanced skin. That is why it is so important to keep this skin flora in good condition with the right care products.
Above you see an illustration of the effect of Oy products on the skin flora.
Two bacterial cultures from both armpits are imaged. The left image is a left armpit where people suddenly stopped using Oy Deo Wash/Scrub after three years of daily use. Our research shows that there is again overgrowth and the development of a sweat smell. The right armpit clearly shows a healthy diverse flora due to daily washing with Oy.
Above you see two illustrations of a low and high diversity of the skin flora. A low diversity due to the overgrowth of certain bacteria can lead to chapped, sensitive skin with, for example, acne or other skin problems. A high diversity ensures a radiant skin in which the cells are better bound together, also referred to as a healthy brick and mortar structure. A diversity of microbes effectively ensures healthy, radiant skin.
Anhydrous and without foam. (This applies to the Face care and Deo care products)
As skincare experts, we know that the texture of your cleanser is crucial to its effectiveness. Therefore, opt for water and foam-free cleaning. Our skin likes lipids or fats and certainly an anhydrous soap. As a trendsetter, Oy offers the ideal solution in our 'gel to milk' or, in the case of the Daily Boost, a 'butter to milk'. With this you massage 100% concentrated and deep-acting substances on your skin. Once diluted with water, the gel forms a nourishing cleansing milk that you rinse off. After patting dry, your skin feels deeply cleansed and velvety soft.
OY offers soap-free solutions for everyday ailments, such as sweat, acne, skin aging and air pollution.
Oh face care
The basic routine for healthy skin remains essential: deep cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection. With the science behind our two innovative facial cleansers, the first two steps in that basic routine are covered right away.
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Oy Face Wash Acne Prone skin
The cause of acne is the change in our microbiome due to hormonal changes or stress. Certain bacteria will overgrow and take up all the space. There is no more room for your skin's own microbiome, no diversity. This leads to a disrupted skin barrier, which we also see in eczema, rosacea, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. By removing this overgrowth, space is once again freed up to build up a diverse skin flora.
*our clinical studies prove the beautiful recovery of the skin flora and skin barrier.
A high diversity ensures a radiant skin in which the cells are better bound together, also referred to as a healthy brick and mortar structure. A diversity of microbes effectively ensures healthy, radiant skin.
Oy Face Wash Daily Boost
The inclusion of ingredients is based on two scientifically established facts:
1) the size of the molecule
2) the formula in which the ingredient is applied.
And Oy is particularly strong at that!
*** the recommended dose that really works is respected in our formulas that are 100% concentrated with the selectively chosen molecules.
*** no dilution with water in our product, but a cleaning based on oil and vegetable glycerine that is 100% absorbed by dry skin! Our fat layer, as it were, absorbs the active substances in their purest form.
Hence without water and without foam because the fat layer of the skin is so important and should not be stripped.
You can counteract skin aging with the 3 strengths of Oy Daily Boost :
1) Strengthen your skin barrier immune system by repairing UV and pollution damage.
2) strong hydration = cells that retain moisture. Our skin does not absorb water, but the cells will bind and retain the water through glycerin, among other things.
3) A diversity of microbes effectively ensures healthy skin where the cells are well bound together, also called a brick and mortar structure.
and finally: sun protection is your best friend.
What is the difference between prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics?
We are already at the third generation of probiotic technology to boost the flora. First there were the probiotics, then prebiotics and now the most advanced postbiotics.
1. PREbiotics
Prebiotics are certain carbohydrates and fibers that serve as food for bacteria and are widely used for the intestinal flora. The challenge here is to make the food selective to feed only the 'good' bacteria. Because nutrition means that it is useful for all bacteria, including any pathogenic microbes. Research into specific nutrition for certain bacteria is in full evolution.
2 . PRObiotics
The definition of probiotics was established in 2001: “These are live microorganisms that provide a health benefit to the host when administered in sufficient quantities.” These live bacteria were originally developed to stimulate a healthy intestinal flora.
For the application to the skin in cosmetics, the enormous challenge is to keep the living bacteria alive. Due to the limited shelf life, refrigeration is usually required and especially special storage conditions. Ideal are 'single use' packaging and formulations without water. This is possible when the microbes are encapsulated and suspended in an oil base and packaged airlessly.
Many water-based creams and cleaning products (see Aqua first in the ingredients list) mention 'probiotics', but it is doubtful whether these products actually contain live bacteria. The Postbiotics originated from this knowledge.
3. POSTbiotics
Postbiotics are the latest development in the pharmaceutical sector. Studies have shown that not the whole bacterium is needed, but only the essential components for the necessary activity. These metabolites of the bacteria accelerate cell renewal and restore the skin barrier. The big advantage of these postbiotics is that the bacteria do not have to be alive. They contain all essential substances such as enzymes, peptides and polysaccharides that make the microbiome stronger. They also easily penetrate the epidermis into the skin cells due to the anhydrous environment. Therefore, they have very strong anti-aging properties and help with many infections, such as acne, UV damage, sensitivity and eczema. Lactobacillus has these special properties and is present on our skin but decreases with age making this supplement very useful.
Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics are all important for health, but postbiotics may be the most effective.
The evolution in knowledge about the skin microbiome is mind-blowing. Until now, studies have focused on bacteria and fungi, but now the viruses that live in and on our skin - the so-called skin virome - are also getting more attention. More than ever, there is a growing awareness that strengthening the skin microbiome produces firm and active skin.
Oh deo care
Our Deo care range consists of 2 revolutionary products against sweat odor: the Deo Wash and Scrub. A soap and deodorant, 2 in 1, that removes the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria and takes great care of the skin. Below you will find the clever underlying science of the Deo care range.
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Deo Wash & Scrub : Sweat, no smell.
We sweat in hot weather, fever and sports, but also when we get anxious or angry and when we feel humiliated or excited.
So sweating is healthy and important. This slowing down is not recommended for some people. Because if you slow down under the armpits, the sweat can break out elsewhere and you get sweaty hands or sweaty feet or start to sweat in your neck...
Sweat itself does not smell! It is microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi on the skin that convert sweat into a bad smell. The composition of the microbiota on the skin differs from person to person and is genetically determined. The composition of the microbiome is very personal, just like a fingerprint, so that one person sweats with sweat odor and another much less. So this depends on your microbiome. Certain bacteria will thrive and overgrow. They take up all the space and are responsible for body odor. Removing this overgrowth frees up space to build a diverse skin flora that is odor free.
It's in the glands.
It's in the glands.
Sweat glands are found all over the skin, but most are found on the hands, feet, and underarms. We have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands, which secrete an average of 800 ml of sweat daily. And even up to 7 liters with great efforts and heat.
1. Eccrine sweat glands are distributed throughout the body and mainly regulate body temperature. As soon as it gets hot, or our body heats up due to exercise or fever, for example, the sweat glands ensure that our body gets wet and cools down more easily and quickly.
2. The apocrine sweat glands are partly responsible for the dreaded sweaty smell due to the presence of microbiota on the skin. These glands are only found in the armpits, around the anus and nipples. They come out of these sweat glands in the hair follicles and spread the sweat largely through the hair. The apocrine sweat glands develop at puberty. Once you start to sweat through these glands, the moisture is converted by bacteria into substances that cause the typical sweat smell.
Sweating is more than just cooling down!
Sweating is more than just cooling down!
Sweat consists mainly of water and salt, but additionally has the antiseptic properties of orthocresol and paracresol.
So sweating is necessary:
- By sweating, certain waste products are emitted, so that your immune system continues to function optimally.
- It kills bacteria and viruses.
- Sweat cleans the pores, so you get less black dots and acne formation. It keeps the skin supple and soft.
What Causes Sweating?
What Causes Sweating?
We sweat in hot weather, fever and sports, but also when we get anxious or angry and when we feel humiliated or excited.
Sweating is natural and healthy because your body wants to cool down. For example, during exercise or sports, drinking a lot of water helps to cool your body (internally).
Sweat itself has no odor. It is microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi on the skin that convert sweat into a bad smell. The composition of the microbiota on the skin differs from person to person and is genetically determined. The composition of the microbiome is very personal, just like a fingerprint, so that one person sweats with sweat odor and another much less.
Which deodorant should I choose?
There are 2 large groups of leave-on products in the form of rollers, sprays, creams….
- deodorants: usually cover up the smell of sweat with a strong perfume. Some deodorants contain good preservatives, for example in the form of alcohol that has an antibacterial effect.
- antiperspirants: usually clog the sweat pores with aluminum salts that prevent moisture from escaping.
The remains of deodorant and waste products from bacteria remain under the arms for a whole day, causing discoloration of clothing under the armpits. suffer from annoying sweat smell? I've always found that strange: the soap and deodorant both don't do what I expect them to. That is why I was looking for a solution to mainly eliminate the cause of sweat odor by developing a completely new type of soap: the soap 2.0 was born and at the same time the new morning ritual “Pharmacist Inge Louf pioneered the first pre-deodorant in the form of a rinse -off product with antibacterial ingredients. The effect is unique because it addresses the cause of sweat odor, namely the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria. A completely new approach in which you apply the gel without water (so not in the shower) and let it work for 1 minute before rinsing off. Result : fresh, deeply cleaned armpits free of sweat odor.
Oh hand care
Oy Hand Hygiene is a groundbreaking restorative hand cream with antibacterial and antiviral ingredients. A hand cream based on vegetable oils that is caring, purifying and disinfecting and is scientifically substantiated.
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What disinfection is necessary for the hands?
What disinfection is necessary for the hands?
The commonly known alcohol gel provides temporary, complete disinfection. In the medical environment, thorough disinfection is required and 80% alcohol is usually used. As the alcohol evaporates, it is implemented in a sticky gel. That is why Oy resolutely opts for an innovative approach without alcohol. A sophisticated blend of active antibacterial and antiviral ingredients ensures sufficient disinfection for at least 1 hour.
Which care works best for dry skin?
Oy Hand Hygiene contains Squalane, which, like the skin's own Squalene, increases skin flexibility.
Baby skins have a lot of Squalene and because Squalane is so close in structure to Squalene, our skin recognizes it and absorbs it easily. This makes Squalane one of the most fascinating and useful ingredients in the care of dry skin.
What makes Squalane such a fascinating and useful ingredient in dry skin care?
- acts like skin's own oil to prevent moisture loss and makes your skin supple without irritation.
- is vegetable in origin. Oy uses Squalane sourced from
olive oil. - feels light and not greasy.
What are essential fatty acids? These are not to be confused with essential oils!
Essential oils is an incorrect name for essential oils that contain volatile molecules high in organic compounds and monoterpenes. These are concentrated volatile oils that are mainly used for their flavor and fragrance in the food industry or cosmetics and perfumes. The chance of an allergic reaction with a natural perfume is much higher than with a synthetic perfume.
Lab-made synthetic perfumes are usually hypoallergenic and therefore safer for sensitive skin.
Essential Fatty Acids:
This is a very important ingredient in Oy Hand Hygiene. These fatty acids were once called vitamin F because they were essential for the growth of young children. They had to be obtained from food because they are not produced by the body itself. Later they became known as Omega 3 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) fatty acids and act as a cement between cells.
The essential fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid strengthen the skin barrier, leaving the skin feeling silky soft. In addition, they provide an optimal cell connection that restores the skin structure. Linoleic acid has antimicrobial properties and strengthens the immune system, which is very useful for the care of sensitive skin.
Oy , that is pharmaceutical knowledge and expertise.
Our core business : Research and development of formulas
In love with science, no challenge is too much for pharmacist Inge Louf. Formulating and packaging science-based intense concentrations is just about the most difficult technical challenge. As challenged and fascinated as Inge is, through the combination of new, pure ingredients and existing raw materials, the Oy laboratory produces unique products that give a fast and perfect result.
“I love my job very much. I feel very lucky to create a product that not only makes your skin beautiful, but above all solves problems and improves the quality of life. That is very satisfying.”

Sweating is more than just cooling down!
Sweat consists mainly of water and salt, but additionally has the antiseptic properties of orthocresol and paracresol.
So sweating is necessary:
- By sweating, certain waste products are emitted, so that your immune system continues to function optimally.
- It kills bacteria and viruses.
- Sweat cleans the pores, so you get less black dots and acne formation. It keeps the skin supple and soft.

What Causes Sweating?
We sweat in hot weather, fever and sports, but also when we get anxious or angry and when we feel humiliated or excited. Sweat itself has no odor. It is microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi on the skin that convert sweat into a bad smell. The composition of the microbiota on the skin differs from person to person and is genetically determined. The composition of the microbiome is very personal, just like a fingerprint, so that one person sweats with sweat odor and another much less.

OY makes you sweat, but makes the odors disappear
OY Deo Wash and OY Deo Scrub are two revolutionary care products that tackle the cause of unpleasant sweat odours. The unique blend of active ingredients in OY completely neutralizes the activity of the odor-causing microorganisms. It also promotes the skin flora without affecting the natural acidity. Your body functions optimally, but without those annoying odors. You feel healthy and fresh and you can take on the world!
Which deodorant should I choose?
There are 2 large groups of leave-on products in the form of rollers, sprays, creams….
- deodorants: usually cover up the smell of sweat with a strong perfume. Some deodorants contain good preservatives, for example in the form of alcohol that has an antibacterial effect.
- antiperspirants: usually clog the sweat pores with aluminum salts that prevent moisture from escaping.
The remains of deodorant and waste products from bacteria remain under the arms for a whole day, causing discoloration of clothing under the armpits.
“Wash yourself with soap in the shower in the morning and then apply a deodorant, and still suffer from an annoying sweat smell at the end of a stressful day? I've always found that strange: the soap and deodorant both don't do what I expect them to. That is why I was looking for a solution to mainly eliminate the cause of sweat smell by developing a completely new type of soap: the soap 2.0 was born and at the same time the new morning ritual"
Pharmacist Inge Louf pioneered the first pre-deodorant in the form of a rinse-off product with antibacterial ingredients. The effect is unique because it addresses the cause of sweat odor, namely the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria. A completely new approach in which you apply the gel without water (so not in the shower) and let it work for 1 minute before rinsing off. Result : fresh, deeply cleaned armpits free of sweat odor.
Supports microbiome
95% Natural
Not tested on animals
Vegan & biodegradable
Produced in Belgium
Do you have questions? We have answers
What is skin microbiome?
How do you choose Oy's active substances?
As a product developer, Inge annually visits the fairs where the latest ingredients are presented. The selection of innovative raw materials are tested at the Oy laboratory in various formulas.
which clinical tests are performed?
In addition to the legally required tests, dermatological tests are also carried out for our Oy products.
EU cosmetics regulations impose strict requirements for clinical testing.
Stability, packaging, shelf life, microbiological studies are necessary. A toxicologist checks the formulas and a cosmetic expert draws up a complete cosmetic file.
In addition, we also test our Oy products for specific operation. Including the influence on the skin microbiome, diversity of the microbes, the result of sweat odor tests, the evolution of acne... Since our Oy facial cleansers are recommended as a make-up remover, we have had the legally required eye irritation tests carried out. This is done by ophthalmologists who draw up a report and decide that Oy can certainly be used as a make-up remover.